Blake Family Vacation – The Ski Trip 3 (Seth & Morgan’s Story)

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Seth and Morgan arrive!


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            Seth took his time navigating the snowy roads leading to the chalet.  He and Morgan were delighted to learn Patton and Nina were able to get Nina’s mom to babysit Gabby so they could make the trip. It was great to see them again. Even though Morgan and Nina talked on the phone often, he knew it was hard for Morgan to be away from her friend.  He missed Patton too.  They too, talked all the time about life after football and the potential career paths before them.  Continue reading

Blake Family Vacation – The Ski Trip (J.J. & Sam’s Story)

Blake Family Vacation Banner - JJ and Sam

          The Blakes are a pretty close-knit family so it’s no surprise that they occasionally vacation together!  With so many reasons to celebrate all the life changes going on, John Jacob and Teri-Lyn volunteered to babysit the kids (and pets!) while they hit the ski slopes.  In the coming weeks we will catch up with each couple in the series as they enjoy their snow-capped group vacation.

First up, J.J. and Sam!

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