Leap of Faith (Book 17 in The Blake Boys Series) Excerpt II

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Breakfast and Car Repairs

Cassidy gets more involved in her client’s life.

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          Cassidy watched as Channing did a slow death march over to the key rack attached to the wall. She knew he loved that pickup, it was his first car after all. But the fact that he’d shared kisses with Emma Winterbourne in it didn’t exactly elicit the same nostalgia from her. Continue reading

Destiny Vacations – Channing & Cassidy’s Adventures

Channing’s Apology

When I began Tempting Fate, I commissioned this painting from a talented young lady to give me inspiration.  A big thank you to the real artist T.J. and the many hours I spent in the great museums and galleries in DC for helping me bring their story to life.

Channing had a lot of explaining to do to Cassidy, so he decided to appeal to her love of art.  This is the painting he sent to her office by artist T.J. Johansson. Continue reading