Seth’s Sports Now Interview – Part 2 (The Blake Boys Series)

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Sports Now:  “Seth, thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to sit down with us.”

Seth Blake: “Thank you for having me.”


SN: “Let’s get to it.  There’s a flurry of rumors going around about your retirement.  What we really want to know is, what made you put an expiration date on your football career when you are in the prime of it?”

SB: “I would love to play football forever but I know that the body has limitations.  I’ve been fortunate to have injuries that have healed remarkably well and I am always mindful about the kind of quality of life I want to have post football.  I have three active boys that I have to keep up with and it’s important to me to save some of that energy for them.”


SN: “How does your family feel about moving back to your home state after your career winds down?”

SB: “I think we’re all looking forward to spending more time at the ranch.  But we have roots in Philadelphia too and we’re keeping our place in the city.”


SN:  “Seth, as a devoted family man and world-famous athlete with 3 boys, how important is it for you to have at least 1 of your sons carry on the Blake legacy in football?”

SB:  “I’m not going to lie, I would love it if my boys followed in their old man’s footsteps.  If any of them would like to give it shot, I’ll be right there with my wife cheering them on.”


SN: “Speaking of wives, your relationship with your wife Morgan was one of the best kept secrets on the planet.  What made you give up your playboy ways and get married?”

SB:  “It’s easy to do when you find the right woman.”


SN:  “How do you manage to stay out of the spotlight these days?”

SB: “Morgan is a very private person and I didn’t want my very public image to upset her life.  I knew in order to make our relationship work I had to curb some of my flashy behavior.  It gave me a new appreciation for quiet living and as a result we have a genuine intimate relationship that doesn’t involve the media.”


SN: “Seth, some players have their children join them during interviews, why haven’t you done so? The only time that we have seen any of your children was a brief glimpse of your oldest son when he did that magazine cover with you years ago.”

SB:  “Morgan and I agreed to keep our kids out of the spotlight so they can have some normalcy in their lives.  It freaks Morgan out when total strangers call our kids by their names.  You may see the occasional photo of them but we keep it to a minimum.”


SN:  “It’s been rumored for years that you and teammate Lamont Brayer have a tumultuous relationship.  How does the off field antics effect your on field chemistry?”

SB: “I’ve always strived for a good relationship with all of my teammates but that’s not always possible.  When you have a situation where there may be tension, you have to put that aside for the greater good.  Lamont and I are professionals on the field and that’s where it counts.”


SN:  “Since Lamont dates your wife’s cousin, isn’t it awkward to see him at family functions?”

SB: “We rarely see each other.  Call it divine intervention but it works out for all involved.”


SN: “Do you plan to do another commercial with your good friend and teammate Patton Hawkes?”

SB: “Yes.  As a matter of fact we’ll be taping another commercial soon that will air in the next three months.”


SN: “You two sure look like you’re having fun in those commercials.”

SB:  “Patton is the best.  We forget the cameras are rolling and just have a good time.”

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Thank you for sending your questions!  There’s more to come!

The Final Play, Seth and Morgan’s next adventure will be coming in November!

Have a question for Seth? 

Leave it below and it may be featured in part 3 of the interview!

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Photo Banner Credits: © Can Stock Photo Inc. / betochagas

Copyright © 2015 Rhonda Laurel.  All Rights Reserved.

One thought on “Seth’s Sports Now Interview – Part 2 (The Blake Boys Series)

  1. Wow, you used my question in the interview! So thrilled to be a part of the Blake legacy.

    SN: Seth, have you ever thought about running for public office after you retire? With your profile, your wife’s activities as a literacy advocate, and the power of your family, it would seem like a natural fit. Added to all of this, your family is the epitome of a modern American Family.

    Liked by 1 person

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